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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Home Sweet Home

Monday, July 2, 2018 - 10:02 am PT RMI Super Crew 6 is safe and sound back in Talkeetna! I expected to be tired waking up early to head to Basecamp from our 11k Camp. I realized when you wake up at 11 pm it is either too early or too late to wake up tired! The tired came later. We had a beautiful night/morning finishing the 10 miles of glacier that delivered us to the airstrip. Denali gave us one more round of mini snow and wind before it finally gave us a moonrise and sunrise combo. We arrived at the airstrip just in time for the planes to start flying. We got all of our gear de-rigged and ready to throw on the plane when we were informed that the plans for us had just been changed and the pilots would be picking us up at the upper airstrip a 1/4 mile up glacier. Since the planes were already in the air, we loaded sleds and packs up Beverly Hillbilly style and made the trip in record time just as the planes arrived to bring us back to civilization. I really appreciate all of the hard work and great attitudes that the Super Crew brought to our adventure. Also, thank you for all of your blog comments and support. It made a huge difference knowing all of you had our backs! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Super Crew 6

On The Map

Comments (4)

It’s the Love of adventure that make a person put themselves through such a grilling trial.. Testing yourselves to how much your body and mind can endure… You All have “shined” through it all and I’m so happy for the guides and happy for the determination of all the participants ... They will all be looking for New Mountains to climb now.. You are Truly a Super Team ! ! !

Congratulations Lindsay and Matt….......I Love you and Welcome back to Terra Firma…


Posted by: Barbara Jones on

Thank you Mike and Hannah for your enthusiasm. I’m sure your strength inspired Gloria. I think you all made a great team, to welcome every challenge, or at least accept it. I just want to jump up and down to applaud you. Love,


Posted by: Michelle on

Good lord, a true battle of determination to the very end!
Hope the Team Dinner was a smoother adventure!
Thanks Mike H formgetting them all back safe n sound!
Now Incan sleep I’m peace

Posted by: Ellen M on

Congratulations to you all! I am so happy and proud of you Cody! Your year long+ dream has come true! What an accomplishment it is!  Can’t wait to have you back home. Love you!

Thank you Mike, Hannah and Gloria for your leadership, guidance, enthusiasm and love of mountaineering and keeping my son (and team) safe both up and back. We really appreciate you and RMI!!!
Cody’s, mom

Posted by: Susie Petellin on

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