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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Waiting out the Weather

If you were wondering what kind of scenery you can see while climbing Denali, don't ask us because we haven't seen anything in days! We are living in a giant ping pong ball where white snow meets white clouds. We high fived Tyler Jones's RMI team as they made their way down through the muck headed towards Basecamp. All we need is a short break in the weather and a small assurance that the next camp will not be any worse than here. We are hoping that tomorrow morning gives us what we need. The team really is in good spirits considering the amount of tent time that has been logged during this storm and we are not even really on the mountain yet! There has been nothing but positivity and hard work from our Super Crew. So proud! RMI Guide Mike Haugen

On The Map

Comments (10)

Hi Hannah!
I’m glad you’re up above the snow and out of the ping pong ball.
Happy first day of summer, at the top of the world!
Sending a warm patronus with special attention for toes.
I love you, I’ll see you in our dreams,
PS Tommy sent me the sweetest post card!

Posted by: Lisa Nezwazky on

Happy Birthday, Josh. We love your spirit and determination. See you soon. All our love. Mom and Dad

Posted by: David Levy on

Good to hear from you and your Great team !  Keep your enthusiasm and spirits up.. Anything worth having is usually accompanied with a struggle.. You’ve looked forward to this challenge for a long time, so enjoy every minute of it , even the hard part.. I love you and pray for you and your team daily Lindsay and Matt…..


Posted by: Barbara Jones on

Happy Birthday Dad! I bet you are having lots of fun freezing your butt off in a tent today but nevertheless, I still miss you and can’t wait for you to conquer this mountain and return home.
Love you!

Posted by: Zach Levy on

Happy Birthday HB!  Hoping 21 brings you and your team some luck and a break in the weather.  We are thinking of you and cheering you on from home.  Love you!

Posted by: Sarah Levy on

Dear Dad, I hope your and your buddies are having fun on Denali and wishing you gigantic birthday wishes!


Posted by: Emma Levy on

Here’s to Super Team 6: praying that the weather has been kind and allowed you to go on today! So glad to hear you’re staying warm, working out still, some way or another, and able to catch up on your books Cody!  You are prayed for daily.  Miss you.  Btw…its 84° here today.  For some odd reason, the snow and colder temp sounds good.  Lol. Love ya, Mom

Posted by: Susie Petellin on

Hang in there!  Hope weather breaks enough for you to break camp and head up the mountain.

Posted by: Bill Summerlin on

Stamina, you all got it. So glad your spirits are still high. Bad weather weather go away, let the sun come out for summit day! Love you Gloria!


Posted by: Michelle on

I hope you have a wonderful birthday and finally make some more progress!  We love you.
Mom & Dad

Posted by: Lucy Levy on

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