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Mt. Rainier: Emmons Seminar Team on Summit!

RMI Guide Zeb Blais checked in from the summit of Mt. Rainier today. Zeb and the Expedition Skills Seminar ascended via the Emmons Glacier from Camp Schurman this morning. The team started their program with two days of training in Ashford and Paradise before departing early Sunday morning for the White River Trail head. After two nights on the mountain, expedition style camping and mountaineering training the team made their summit attempt this morning. They will return to Camp Schurman this afterrnoon and spend a final night on the mountain. Tomorrow they will break camp and return to the trail head. Congratulations to the team!

Comments (2)

Congratulations Barry, you made it to the top! SO Exciting!!!
You are an inspiration to so many! -K

Posted by: Kathryn McRitchie on

So exciting !!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Chad !!!!!!!!! You are an inspiration to all !!!!!!!!  Kelly

Posted by: Kelly Jakes on

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