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Aconcagua: King & Team Make a Carry to Camp 2

The general consensus was that last night -20 degree sleeping bags were more then warm, they were down right hot at times. In a three-person tent filled with enough goose down, it can look like one of those ball pits at a McDonalds... Good luck finding anything your looking for. We woke with the sun hitting our tents and not even a hint of wind the entire night. The first night at a new altitude can make good sleep difficult and the Team was feeling the effects of this and the move up from Aconcagua Base Camp. Our task today was to move food, fuel and some summit gear up to Camp 2, located at 18,000'. The trail takes us up to Amegenio Col (saddle) with spectacular views of the Central Andes. Glaciated peaks like El Mano and Mercedario dominate the skyline. The group did well with the carry and even better showcasing their downhill skills. Rest, water, food and some cards is all that remains of the day. We'll take a rest day tomorrow. RMI Guide Mike King

Comments (5)

Hi Rogan, thinking of you, we are in Clarens till Sunday, no Wifi, fewer messages,sounds like everything in your favour of summits get. Holding thumbs for all of you,love mom

Posted by: Daphne Carew on

Hi Rogan, thinking of you, we are in Clarens till Sunday, no Wifi, fewer messages,sounds like everything in your favour of summits get. Holding thumbs for all of you,love momx

Posted by: Daphne on

Damn it_ he’s (trump) still the President. U keep climbing the further u get the safer u are. Love u amigo_stay safe. I fished the Clackamas today with Randy Sherman. No new steelhead caught but beautiful river and beautiful weather. Saw several of the water rescue teams come by must have been training day for fire service departments all three were on the river. Tvf&R had the nicest boat_of course!

Posted by: Lorenzo Hernández on

Sounds like you are moving on up and everything is going well.  Proud of you Virg.  The mountains final got some more snow here-so your bro was snowboarding off Loveland pass yesterday.  I worry about him as much as I do you and your sister is really getting into “tax season” now.  My job is just worrying and as you know I am very good at that.  Love, Mom

Posted by: Barbara(mom) on

Hi Dad! I hope your adventure is going as well as mine is here in London! We just finished up our orientation and are now beginning classes. Can’t wait to swap pictures with you and hear all about the mountain! Good luck, love you!

Posted by: Jillian Ludwig on

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