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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Another Day at Union Glacier Camp

There was some reason for optimism today. Even though we woke to the same old clouds with light snowfall, the forecasters called for clearing... which is what we got. But that took a good chunk of the day, and ultimately the weather turned out to be not up to snuff at the other end. So we saw sun and felt a little warmth and finally got a great view of the jagged mountains all around us, but Vinson Basecamp ended up in fog. That is a dealbreaker when you aim to fly over in a Twin Otter on skis in order to land uphill on a valley glacier at 7,000 feet. We passed the day playing games and reading, some attended a history lecture dealing with the 1897 Belgian Expedition -the members of that trip had a few significant weather delays as well. We each went outside from time to time in order to stretch, walk and ride bikes around camp. Dinner was still quite pleasant, even as we had to give up on this particular day for starting our climb. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (2)

Steve, Let today be the DAY!! Can you hear us on the other side of the world, cheering in a bright, beautiful, sunny day at the Vinson Massif Base camp? We are! Love Vickie

Posted by: Vickie Butterfield on

Hang in there Sue and team. The weather will soon smile on you!

Posted by: Norm Symonds on

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