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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Visit Ngorongoro Crater

We drove up into clouds and fog along the rim of the Ngorongoro caldera. It was jacket weather, but that didn't prevent us from popping the tops on our Toyota Landcruisers and going down in to the Crater to see some wildlife. Immediately, we were right up close to cape buffalo, zebras and wildebeest. We saw ostriches and kori bustards by the dozens. As we cruised the network of dirt roads, we began to see lions. We stopped to watch a pregnant female take a drink, and to see a big proud male searching for the perfect shady tree to lounge under. We saw hippos doing what they are known for doing at midday (darn little) and we watched animals by the hundreds interacting at waterholes. By our picnic lunch site, we spied a couple of giant, solitary bull elephants roaming the marshland. By midday, much of the clouds had burned off and we could see the entire layout of the giant volcanic remnant we were exploring. We eventually climbed back out the steep crater walls as the afternoon progressed and left the wildlife behind. A few rough roads and then the smoothest of highways took us back to our fine lodge for a restful finish to the day. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (1)

You guys all look great. Can’t wait to see photos of the Safari. 
I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.
Miss you, Nao.

Posted by: Claudia on

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