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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Ascend Steadily to Shira Camp

We spent a quiet night at Machame Camp with clouds above and below. Those of us lying awake, still wrestling with jet lag, were never able to detect even the faintest of breezes rustling tent fabric. 6:30 was our wake up target and although we were right on the mark, Kilimanjaro itself decided to sleep in. We were never able to see Kibo, the central peak, due to clouds. We set out at 8 AM in pleasant walking conditions -never in danger of overheating- with the sun obscured. The trail led steeply upward through a giant heather forest. We climbed slowly and steadily, working from time to time on walking and breathing techniques for the days ahead. Views were limited but still enchanting as we reached and followed a ridge top of old lava formations to well over 12,000 ft. We finished with an hour of traversing ledges and trails to the north, turning the corner onto the easier Shira Plateau just after noon. We were in our 12,600 ft new home -Shira Camp- by 12:45. We lounged away the afternoon with meals, naps, storytelling and exploring. Sunset into the cloudy peaks of Shira was briefly beautiful. We finished with a sumptuous alpine dinner in our dining tent, chatted a bit more about legendary climbs and climbers, and then called it a day. (A good day) Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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