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Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Summit!

We did it! 100% on top!!! The entire team stood on the highest point in Europe. We were pretty lucky with the weather, as it was near perfect, so the decision to climb early and avoid the forecasted weather paid off. We started at 3:30am with a snowcat ride up to 15,000' then hit the trail in a decent breeze that thankfully mellowed out a few hours later. It was a beautiful and welcomed sunrise as the sun helped warm us up. The team did a fantastic job of taking care of themselves and climbed strong. We summited in clear skies with a wonderful view of the entire Caucasus Mountain Range, which is something I haven't had often here on Elbrus. After descending a short ways back to the saddle between the two summits that Elbrus has, a few of us decided to climb the second summit while the rest of the team descended safely back to camp. I've been pretty lucky the last few climbs and have pulled off the double summit a few times. It was a bonus for sure. After everyone returned to camp, we had a quick lunch and are currently relaxing with smiles on our faces. RMI Guide Casey Grom and a happy crew

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Comments (1)

What an accomplishment!  Congrats!!!

Posted by: Brinkley Pound on

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