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Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Acclimatize on the Mountain

Hello again from 12,000' in Russia! Things are good here and the team is excited for tonight! Today we had our last acclimatization hike before tonight's climb. Normally we take an extra rest day before climbing, but the forecast doesn't look too good the next few days so we are making our bid tonight. We started early today to maximize our rest today and have been relaxing since noon. Our cook Dasha has done an amazing job of keeping our bellies full with plenty of good home cooked Russian food. This evening we had a thorough discussion about tonight's upcoming climb and everyone is packed and ready. Hopefully the weather continues to hold and we'll be up shortly after 2am and after a quick breakfast hop on the snowcat to give us a bump a little further up the mountain. This will shorten our climb a little and increase our chance of reaching the highest point in Europe. We had a trivia challenge today and one lucky winner will get to make a satellite phone call from the summit. So everyone following along, keep your phones handy, you just might receive a call. I'm expecting us to reach the summit somewhere around 10-11am here, same time zone as Moscow. Keep your fingers crossed for us! RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

On The Map

Comments (5)

Way to go! Very much of a team effort. Can’t wait to hear all of the details. Safe travels on the return.

Posted by: Jim Pound on

So happy for you all. Sorry to miss Seth’s call but will treasure the voice mail!!!!  Absorb the moment!

Posted by: Brinkley Pound on

Richard, Congratulations to you and each member of the team. So proud for all of you! Enjoy your wonderful accomplishment! Jenny

Posted by: Jenny Cooper on

Good luck!!!  How exciting!

Posted by: Brinkley Pound on

Good luck!!!

Posted by: Brinkley Pound on

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