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Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Descend from Kilimanjaro & Celebrate Their Adventure

Awakening at Mweka Camp early, the feet and legs had miraculously recovered from our sixteen hour summit day. Ok, maybe not completely recovered, but everyone was moving quite well after such a huge effort. Of course, a little vitamin I (Ibuprofen) never hurt. Breakfast awaited us, to be followed by song and dance from our mountain staff in celebration of a wonderful week on the mountain. In return we expressed our appreciation of the tremendous care they gave us with tokens of gratitude. Our three hour hike to the Mweka gate ended in a final meal together. This time the food reflected the local cuisine, and was delicious! Goodbyes were made and a two hour bus ride brought us back to the comforts of the hotel and the showers everyone had been looking forward to for days. I guess the three hundred baby wipes some folks took weren't quite enough. We celebrated in style. Not just our success on the mountain, but also the birthday that motivated this whole affair, getting a group of individuals way out of their comfort zone and learning what it means to climb a mountain. The hotel staff graciously set up tables outside and built a roaring fire so that we might enjoy a final night together feasting and indulging in fabulous wines brought in special for the occasion. Toasts were made and reflections on our trip shared, all the while the Blue monkeys and little Dik Dik antelopes watched on, visible in the glow of the flickering flames, no doubt wondering what all the fuss was about. But we know what the fuss was all about. It was about an adventure shared by family and friends, and challenges that were quite hard at times, and the lessons and memories made over the course of an incredible week on Mount Kilimanjaro. Habari ya asubhui and asante sana, RMI Guide Brent Okita

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