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Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Arrive in the Mountains

Здравствуйте (hello) from Russia! We had an early start to the day as we left Moscow this morning and have traveled via plane and bus to the beautiful Caucus mountains. Our flight took us to southern Russia not too far from the Black Sea to a place called Mineralnye Vody, which simply translates to Mineral Water. This part of the country is predominately rural and is responsible for much of the agriculture that the larger cities depends on. We were meet by our trustworthy guide Yuri, whom I've climbed with many times. Then hopped in our van for the 3 hour drive up the Baksan Valley to the base Mt. Elbrus. Things went pretty smooth minus a few little traffic jams with cars, motorcycles and cows all humorously trying to use the road. The small town we are in is called Cheget, and it doubles as a ski town in winter and converts to climbing town in the summer. We didn't do a ton of exploring this afternoon due to the adjustment of the time that we are all still feeling and having started so early. However, tomorrow we will do our first acclimatizing hike and do a little exploring too. All is well here as we are looking forward to a little exercise tomorrow. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

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