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Alpamayo: Schellens & Team Take a Well Deserved Rest Day

This morning we woke when the sun hit our tents and proceed to drink lots of coffee with and ate an amazing breakfast of bacon, sausage, and eggs. After breakfast we lounged around base camp reading and napping in the sun. After lunch we went for a short 15 min walk up to Laguna Arhuaycocha, a beautiful alpine lake with blue green water. From here the views of Alpamayo, Artesonraju, and Pucarashta were stunning. We sunned ourselves on warm rocks by the lake and took in the amazing mountains surrounding us. After a while we made our way back to camp to relax a bit more before the sun dipped behind the ridge. This rest day not only helps us recover after three days on our feet but also helps our body's acclimatize. Everyone is feeling great and ready to move up hill tomorrow. Thanks for following along RMI Guide Geoff Schellens

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