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Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Meet in Arusha, Tanzania

July 18, 2017 Most of the team flew in last night, weathering the long flights and time changes admirably. Our hotel, the Arumera River Lodge here in Arusha, Tanzania, is great. They held the restaurant open for us so we could have dinner and decompress from our travels some. This is unlike any hotel I've stayed at. Africa at it's best, with the diminutive antelope called the Dikdik and Blue monkeys running around the grounds filled with tropical trees and vegetation and insects I've never seen before. Kansas it ain't! The drive in from the airport earlier was a forty five minute exercise in restraint as I tried to concentrate on my conversation with the manager of our outfitting company here for Kilimanjaro, while still watching the people and goings on around me. Bikes piled high with crops from the fields, women in beautifully colored saris and everything else that makes Tanzania such a wonderful place to visit. I must confess, this is not my normal expedition. This is a family affair triggered by my sister in laws big birthday and my brother's pulling the strings to make it all happen. Plus, my wife is part of the team too. Thanks Brad! Ahead of us is breaks, our official team meeting and orientation and subsequent equipment check readying us to begin our climb tomorrow of one of the 'Seven Summits,' family style. Now if I can just get over my jet lag. RMI Guide Brent Okita

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