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Peru Seminar: Young & Team Celebrate in Huaraz

It's an evening for celebration! Our Expedition Skills Seminar - Peru team made it back down safely from Copa Base Camp to the bustling city of Huaraz after a successful climb of Nevada Copa yesterday. Tonight, we're winding down our program after an incredible two weeks here in the Cordillera Blanca. We've done a whole lot of moving through the mountains during that time, learned a ton about what it takes to climb in this great range, and successfully stood on top of three incredible summits. This afternoon, we bid farewell to Coronel and Pablo, our incredible cook staff, who took excellent care of us over the last two weeks. Tonight, our dinner plates included a wild and wide range of local eats, including the classic Cuy (Guinea Pig), a Peruvian delicacy. With some local cervezas in accompaniment, we shared some stories, enjoyed each other's company for one more dinner, and reflected on our time here in this wonderful country. Tomorrow, it's back to sea level, where most of us will say goodbye to friends, new and old, and start the journey home to our families. Thanks for following along for the last two weeks! Until next time! RMI Guides Robby Young and Steve Gately, and your Expeditions Skills Seminar - Peru team

Comments (1)

Robby, Steve and everyone in Peru and US who helped to make this adventure such an incredible success THANK YOU on behalf of Hilda’s family

Posted by: Martina Kalusova on

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