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Denali Expedition: Hahn & Team Carry to 13,500’

June 23, 2017 10:00 pm PST It didn't seem terribly cold this morning at 5:30, Around 17 F or so, which made it a little easier to get up and rally for "the carry". We got out on the trail by a quarter to eight. Finally we were wearing crampons and holding ice axes like mountain climbers (to this point it has been snowshoes and ski poles). The track was in great condition -well packed snow- due to the large number of teams that have passed through since the last storm. We cruised up the steep Motorcycle Hill, and navigated the squirrely Squirrel Hill and found ourselves in the Polo Field below the end of the West Buttress before the sun caught us. Another hour brought us to a decidedly calm Windy Corner. We slipped around the corner, getting great views of Foraker, Hunter and finally Denali, in the process. We cached food and fuel at 13,500 ft -our target for the day- and had an easy walk back down to camp at 11K with relatively empty packs. It was exhilarating to be out of the deep valley at last and to be crossing ridges and turning corners with all the big views. But it was also nice to get back to our camp and to have a calm afternoon to rest after our labors. We ate dinner and made preparations for our big move up to 14K tomorrow. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (6)

Very exciting to see the progress and clear skies. Wishes for good luck and weather to the team.

Posted by: Bettie S on

Dad, I’m so proud of you!! I had an amazing time on my hike this past week and I can’t wait to tell you all about it when you come home. But first, you have a mountain to conquer! Best of luck to you and the rest of your team. Don’t forget to take a picture with Teddy at the top! Love, Pookie

Posted by: Madeline Brennan on

Looks beautiful!!  Loved the descriptions - stay safe!  I won’t send you pictures of me poolside with a magazine & cocktail….save that for a later time :)

Posted by: Christa Viets on

Great to follow the climb.  Sounds like the weather has been good. Probably better to climb into tents to get out of the sun than the cold wind and snow ? It must be disappointing though, to not experience the reason for the naming of some of the topography…Squirrel Hill, Windy Corner.

Have to hike Tom’s Thumb trail at 5:00 AM.100 by 8:00. Monsoon about to start. Hopefully rain on the 4th of July Rodeo Parade in Prescott.

Posted by: Con on

Sounds like the group is climbing strong and the weather is cooperating!  Another lovely summer day here in Chicago.

WXRT-FM just played an interview with Jerry Garcia - its doing 1978 today!  Great year…...Ken and I graduated and were married in 1978.

You all keep on trucking!  Sherry

Posted by: Sherry McFall Porrello on

Ken, I’m so excited to see how much progress you and the team are making. Love following your journey up Denali, and it brings back memories from just a few weeks ago. You guys are moving steadily, and it sounds like you’re having great conditions. Keep up the high spirits!

(Dave, I must say your menu was great. Joe packed me the special “Dave Hahn” menu, and I was definitely well fed on the mountain!).

Anyway, Ken, keep enjoying that good weather and push on up. Make it to the summit for me, will you? Climb strong! Good luck to you and the team - rooting for you all!

Lindsay S

Posted by: Lindsay S on

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