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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Makes Their Summit Attempt

RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall and the Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz turned this morning at 12,400ft. After several days of training they made their summit attempt this morning. Unfortunately, climbing conditions were difficult due to deep snow and the team decided to turn around after a strong effort. The team is descending the Kautz Ice Chute and will check in this evening. They will continue some training before descending from the mountain tomorrow.

Comments (1)

I experienced Everything on Rainier which I never have before on any mountain
Team spirit was So high
Leadership was Stellar and kind and Patient and helpful, absolutely, but especially talented and tenacious…

The Route was So Terminally Beautiful it was like a volcanic eruption of Emotion, your heart racing, thoughts swimming in stimulation… a virtual BASE JUMP into Euphoria

The guides resource reservoir was vast and the way they adapted to the challenges our team encountered along the way, Masterful… instinctively executing adaptation not uncertainty to emerging obstacles in varied forms while maintaining cohesion to Team, to route, to Goal and to True Success

This alone would have been Epic to be a part of… what Elevates this trip for Myself and my teammates beyond Epic is the Catalyst into Transformation we launched with the intensive training fused together by the “real Mountain” Kautz Expedition Challenge which demands Focus on practice of lessons which opens the window into the stratosphere of what is possible for EACH ONE of us to develop into as Mountaineers of the highest caliber!

This Team… held by This Mountain during This Moment has been evolved into an Eternal Artwork as our recollections and our stories will testify…

We have Successfully Summited our Destiny and now we enjoy the opportunity our ascension has created to continue beyond…

Ken Tessier, a Believer

Posted by: Ken Tessier on

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