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Denali Expedition: Brent Okita & Team Signing Off

A leisurely, big breakfast of eggs, bacon and hash browns was had after sleeping in fairly late yesterday. When we finally got out of the posh we were surprised to find that planes might be flying soon. Yes, we were keeping an eye on the weather, but it wasn't really that good yet. At first we couldn't really believe it and the team indulged in some leg wrestling antics (which the women handily won).Then we heard the words, "RMI Okita, two Otters are in the air for you".So we went from slow mo to go go as we tore our tents down and packed in a matter of about twenty minutes! I think some folks were motivated to leave. As we brought the last of our stuff the fifty yards to the glacier landing strip we saw the planes come into view. By 1:00 we were in town, unpacking group gear and trying to dry stuff that was soaked from the unseasonably warm temps and rain. We'll not discuss our evening affair in much detail except that the food was good and the libations rather excessive. We're on our way to the airport now, twenty three days after flying on to the mountain. No summit to boast of this time. But looking back on it all, it's the people we climb with and share adventures with that inspires me to live the life of my dreams. Summits may be nice but are somewhat ephemeral. Friendships formed while climbing mountains last a lifetime. Thanks to the wonderful group of climbers with whom I've shared the past three weeks. You're the best! And now they are on their way back to you, with stories to tell and memories to share. Indulge their eccentricities. Should they reach for their pee bottle in the middle of the night or ask for a "swirl" after dinner, don't worry. They'll recover from these mountain habits in time. Thanks for joining us these past three weeks! Goodbye, RMI Guides Brent, Christina and JT

Comments (1)

It looks like you guys are patient and strong enough, it is true JT, Summits are ephemeral,  the mountain still there, JT I’m sure the smile is still there and the fight for adventure grown, great to hear team is back and rested :)

Posted by: Lauro Urbina on

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