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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Move to 14,200’ Camp

May 31, 2017 Finally, our string of bad weather is over and summer has come to Denali! Yahoo. Braving the early morning chill of camp at 11,200' we didn't linger in the Posh over breakfast but set about taking down camp after our oatmeal and coffee fix. Everyone did a great job and we were climbing by 9:00am. We did have company on the route, but the traffic was manageable. Unlike our previous climb of the route when we made our carry, this time we ended up walking in just a base layer after it warmed up in the afternoon. What a treat. All that said, the move to 14,200' is always tough. It's just a big jump in altitude for everyone. So yes, we're all feeling it just a bit, but that's normal. The team could not have performed better. We even picked up some of our cache from 13,500'. Tomorrow we have a fairly easy day ahead, which will help our acclimatization to our new home. As the shadows overtake camp, it's starting to get a little chilly. Just a harbinger of the cold that will settle on us tonight. But we're all snug in our tents now ready for the night. Good night from 14,200'. RMI Guides Brent, Christina and JT

On The Map

Comments (1)

Dear Lindsay & Steve,
Have been trying to get through to send you a message but it won’t go through. Sorry. Want you both to know that I can’t wait each morning to check and see what you’re doing. I was aware of the intense training required (for which I give you so much credit) but never appreciated the patience required to get to the summit! Hang in there. It will happen.
Had to chuckle when your guides were describing the personalities of the group. No question who the “dynamo” is.!!!  Give my best to the couple from Colorado.
Safe journey. I am there in spirit with you !
.Love Auntie A & Uncle Fred

Love from Mom & Dad too!!

Posted by: Sandra Friaglia on

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