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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Take Another Storm Day

May 29, 2017 Another two feet of snow fell on us last night, and it was still snowing when I awoke to check the weather throughout the morning. So, another storm day at 11,200' Camp. With all this snow dreams of skiing the deep 'pow' entered all our skiers' brains, but the only face shots we got was when the wind caught the snow we were shoveling from our tents and blew it back in our face. Oh well. The snowfall intensity was remarkable. Fifteen minutes after clearing your tent it appeared that you had done nothing. Since we had enjoyed a great rest day yesterday, I thought it better that we stretched our legs just a little today. So, we roped up for a short stroll down to 10,100' where we helped out our team behind us and carried some of their cache up to camp for them while they were taking a storm/rest day at 7,800'. Loads were light and in a couple of hours we were back at camp. An afternoon relaxing back in the tents topped off our little walk, leaving the team feeling pretty darned good at dinner. We're all keeping our fingers crossed for tomorrow. Send us positive thoughts for the weather. And thank you for the blog replies. We've gotten one batch sent to us so far and everyone loves hearing them. Good night from 11,200' camp, hopefully for the last time. RMI Guides Brent, Christina Dale and JT Schmitt

On The Map

Comments (6)

Hi my favorite nephew!  What a story of a winter wonderland!  Love the face shot story….gee should have packed those skis…you probably need a little more weight! Did you make progress yesterday?
Didn’t see a posting?
Praying for clear skies for today 5/31.
I am amazed at this feat and so proud of you and your team, JT.
Love you lots,
Auntie Gay

Posted by: Auntie Gay on

Praying for the snow to stop!  All our love and thoughts are with you and the team.
The sun will shine and you will continue on!  We miss you and stay safe!  Mom & Dad xoxoxo

Posted by: Sandra Friaglia on

Sending Clear Sky Prayers for all of you!!! As a farmer I sure do understand that Mother Nature is the boss, and sometimes she can be a little crabby! LOL Hopefully soon she says enough resting and sends you clear calm skies!!! Climb Strong Team!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

Alex & Tom,
I am so proud of you two! I hope weather clears up for y’all.
Keep up the great work.
Best wishes.


Posted by: Savannah on

Alex and Tom! Keep up the good work!

You are all in inspiration to me!

Love Courtney

Posted by: Courtney on

Sending all good thoughts from Brooklyn that the weather clears for you
and you are on the rise tomorrow!
We have you on our big screen and camp looks amazing with
the snow bricks.
Wishing the team ascent soon.
Best wishes to all and
Love to Tommy and Alex
Aunt Elisa and Uncle Garrick
and Noto the dog.

Posted by: Elisa and Garrick on

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