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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Wait out the Weather

May 28, 2017 Though the moisture and winds we've been sitting through were forecasted to dissipate today, Denali had other plans. We haven't seen much all day due to blowing snow and gusty winds. For the brief period that we went over to the ranger tent for a visit, the max gusts hit 42 mph. We made the best of it by inviting Mike's team over for breakfast burritos. Tent fever spurred a lively and long lived game of "heads up." The weather this evening explained our current situation: a low pressure center moving to the NW of the mountain, and frontal passage over the mountain. Things should settle out once the front passes, and once Denali gives the OK, we're ready to take advantage. Until then, we'll listen to the wind blow. RMI Guides Pete, Jess, Jenny and Team

Comments (1)

Hello, thank you very much for regular updates!

We all hope for weather change in nearest future- we wish you a lot of sunshine with no snow and no wind.
Your creativity with meals and entertainment in such difficult conditions is amazing!

Jan- we are keeping you and the whole team (actually both teams) in our thoughts.

Stay safe and strong! Good luck!

Posted by: Ewa Grajkowska on

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