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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Practice Crevasse Rescue at 14,200’

May 27, 2017 11:51 pm PST Denali loves to tease. We poked our heads out early this morning to frigid temps and a big, dark cap above us. It was enough to quickly convince us to bury our heads back in our sleeping bags for a bit. At our next check though, the cap was thin, the sky clear, and things looking decidedly in our favor. We jumped out, endured the -30 temps' effects on our toes, and fired stoves for breakfast. The sun broke across camp and we were making moves to get ready to carry. We watched instead however as the cap built, winds started to blow along the West Buttress, and we weren't so sure. All across camp, folks had taken down tents, were packed and ready to walk, and leaned on snow walls staring uphill, exchanging doubts with their neighbors. In short order, we pulled the plug on our carry, other teams' tents went back up, and everyone settled in for another rest day. Such is the rhythm of Denali. After a few rest days in a row, the tents aren't quite as inviting, the novelty having worn off. So we spent a few hours this afternoon looking at crevasse haul systems, and comparing, exchanging ideas and broadening our skills. We're in the waiting game. We've got plenty of food and tonne, so we aren't in a rush. We're enjoying the beauty of where we are right now, sure that our chance will come soon. RMI Guides Pete, Jess, Jenny, and Team

Comments (1)

Hello, Amazing Mountaineers!  So sorry that the only thing you have exercised the last few days is your patience.  Hoping and praying for good weather.  Pete, Jess and Jenny, we can’t thank you enough for keeping the team’s safety as your top priority.  We are impressed with your creative efforts to keep boredom and impatience at bay.  It seems you are all using this break to get to know one another and build comradery.  I doubt you had much time for this the first part of the trip as you practically sprinted up to the 14 camp!  Your meals sound good.  Hope Mark didn’t whine too much about the lentil, kale and quinoa stew! 

Rachel, is that you in the snow hole in the picture posted on May 20th?
Will the team ahead of you have to complete their summit and return to 14 or 17 before your team can start?


Posted by: Sue Shoemaker on

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