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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Rest at 11,000’ Camp

May 20, 2017 The 11,000' Camp Diner opened for business late this morning, though still before the sun warmed its patrons' bones. The menu had one question: with or without. Bagels and cream cheese with or without bacon. It turned into a beautiful day, and we got some National Geographic worthy photos of Mt. Foraker and the Kahiltna stretching out below us. Lots of naps, reading, movies, and some time catching up with our good friends and RMI Guides Robby and Lucas from Mike W's team rounded out the day. Tomorrow, back to the grindstone, as we move up to 14,000' and dig in. Everyone is looking forward to the good living of 14 Camp. Until tomorrow, RMI Guides Pete, Jess, Jenny and team

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Comments (3)

Keep up the hard work Jordan! Pinnacle is excited for your journey, big climb ahead, we know you can do it! Should’ve taken the dogs ;)

Posted by: Chris Streno on

Great to have a rest day- hope you able to keep warm and get some reserve sleep in the tank. How thoughtful of the climbers to rise early and deliver breaky in bed to the guides - tales from the dreamtime ! Hope the weather holds for the hard slog ahead -safe climbing to you all - with kind thoughts P and V.

Posted by: Philip and Vonne Calvert on

Great to have a rest day -hope you were able to keep warm and get some sleep. How thoughtful of the climbers to rise early and deliver breaky in bed to the guides - tales from the dreamtime !Hope the weather holds for the hard slog ahead -safe climbing to you all -PandV.

Posted by: Philip and Vonne Calvert on

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