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Aconcagua: Liken & Team Finish Expedition in Mendoza

All good things must end and this Aconcagua Expedition is no different. The team went on our final walk out of the Vacas Valley together yesterday, and within five hours we were back in civilization. After watching the dirt and trip dust wash off us in the shower, we all went to a fancy celebration dinner. Even though the team enjoyed peppers cooking, it was agreed the restaurant was a bit better. Everyone is now excited to head home and reflect on an excellent adventure. RMI Guide Ben Liken

Comments (3)

checks are in the mail to Ben and Pepper, they are sent to RMI c/o Ben and Pepper at the Ashland washinton address.
hope this note finds you well, it was a great experience!! My urine has gone back to its normal yellow as opposed to the dark rusty red color it was at high camp. Nothing but cheery memories from here on out!!
dave folsom

Posted by: dave folsom on

I need an address so I can send your tip. This was an amazing adventure for me,  and you and Ben were great guides. I will be reliving the adventure again and again, probably getting a little closer to the top each time. After a year or two who knows I may have summited. Get me your address so I can send some $$, you guys deserve it.
P.S. you will always have a warm bed and good food if passing through Medford.
dave folsom

Posted by: dave folsom on

Thanks again for a great experience on Acancogua. It must be challenging with an inexperienced group, but I felt like it was a remarkable personal experience. I would like to send a tip to both you and pepper. Please email or call and let me know how is the best way to get you a check. I will mail it today if you get me the address you would like it sent to.
you will always have a bed and warm meal in Medford.
dave folsom

Posted by: dave folsom on

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