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Not much wind at high camp this morning, but a heck of a lot of cloud when we checked it at 7 AM.  Seemed like this was to be our opportunity though.  We breakfasted in fog and light snow and got ready to climb.  Nothing had changed by the time we got roped up at 9:45.  We set off into the murk.  Not a great day for pictures... but walking in a whiteout means there are few distractions.  We took a quick rest break every hour or so and went steadily higher and colder.  Light winds came up with face freezing potential as we neared the top, but almost miraculously, we lost all wind and even got a touch of sun as we went out the summit ridge.  We hit the tippy top at 5:30 and liked it so much we spent 30 minutes up there.  It took us three hours and ten minutes, mostly in cloud, to get back to high camp.  Thankfully, there we got some late night sunshine to enjoy dinner by.  The team is tired, but as you can imagine, we're also pretty happy right now as we drift off to bed.  Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn [Transcription of audio call from the summit] Hey, this is the RMI 2016 Mt. Vinson Climb, We are on the summit of Mount Vinson, all of us! 100%, a team of 5 right up here on top! We climb through clouds all day, but here on the top we are looking up looking up at blue sky. It is calm on top. This team is done a great job. We'll let you know we get back to high Camp and everything is good, and that's what we expect because everybody is climbing strong. That's all for now, high from the top of Antarctica.

Dave Hahn Calling from the Summit of Mount Vinson.

On The Map

Comments (3)

Congratulations to Mt. Vinson Team!!

Posted by: Charlotte Williams on

Bravo!!! Well done!!! Safe journeys home!!!

Posted by: JP on

Congratulations! The view looks spectacular! Hope weather continues to cooperate for the rest of the journey.

Posted by: Yukiko Loritz on

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