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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Post Storm

The wind finally quit this morning, about 20 minutes before the sun hit to start a much better day.  It still wasn't a climbing day for us though.   There were still winds blowing snow off the ridge we needed to crest.  They were dying down, but not quickly enough for my tastes.  We dug out and dried out down at Vinson's Low Camp... Licking our wounds, so to speak, after the epic storm.  The team up at high camp seemed to have survived the blow and similarly, dug out and rested today.  The teams with us at low camp went for a late afternoon start on moving up,  We'll give it a shot tomorrow.  Finally with a couple of days of semi stable forecast in our favor.  After several days of a constant roar it is great to be back to profound silence... the kind that stretches to the horizons.  Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Comments (1)

I’ve been praying for good weather for you. Good luck!

Posted by: Yukiko Loritz on

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