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Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Hanging at Low Camp

Today was our much deserved rest day, but we'd have been hanging here at 9200 ft even if we weren't deserving.  It was a storm day on Vinson.  Not so bad where we are, but pretty obviously bad up above.  The upside of having all of the cloud cover was that temperatures were moderate this morning.  We had our traditional noon breakfast followed by naps, books, daydreaming, water drinking and snow block stacking.   The forecasts aren't so positive for the next few days, so fortifying our tents is in order.  Otherwise, we're staying positive and enjoying a typical day at altitude in the interior of Antarctica.  Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (1)

Damn, I wish I was there again.  It’s such a special place.  Like being on another planet.  Speaking of other planets, or moons, did you guys hear that Buzz Aldrin was down there with you?  Had to have a medical evac from the South Pole.

Posted by: Larry Seaton on

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