Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Carry Up the Ropes

It was a sunny day, but the sun took its sweet time getting to us. It was about 10:30 before it made its way around the mountain to give us a little heat. We stayed patiently in our sleeping bags until then because it was mighty cold in the shadows. There was a little wind jetting off the ridge that High Camp sits on, and as we ate our brunch, that wind seemed to be swirling a little onto the fixed ropes. We set out on a carry at 1:50 while keeping an eye out for changing weather. It was nice to be going out with an ice axe in hand and crampons underfoot -like climbing again- after a couple of days of "snow slogging". We spent a few minutes reviewing techniques for steep climbing before hopping on the fixed ropes. It was a hard couple of hours pushing up the firm and continuously steep snow. Luckily the wind held off on the main part of the climb, but it was obviously still gusting hard at the top of the lines. So we quit a little before the top -at perhaps 11,200 ft- and cached food and supplies. Then it was down the ropes and back into Low Camp by 8 PM.
A filling and hot dinner and it was time for bed. Rest day is in order for tomorrow.
Best Regards
RMI Guide Dave Hahn