Mexico’s Volcanoes: Team Unable to Summit Ixta, Descends to Puebla
Posted by: Mark Tucker, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico

Hola mis amigos!
El equipo esta todo marcado...oh sorry wrong language. Hey all! The team is all checked in to the Hotel Colonial Puebla. Today started with an early wake up at 2:30am in hopes to go to the summit of Ixta, but was thwarted by relentless clouds, snow, and wind. After numerous checks out the vestibule for a break in the weather, we settled in for a casual morning of hot drinks and breakfast, followed by a break down of camp. Our hike out was among the clouds but still very beautiful and enjoyable. With a reshuffle of gear and farewells to our local guide Carlos, our two porters Daniel and Jose, and our favorite driver Rogelio, we loaded the bus. One bathroom break, a movie, and many bumps later, we arrived in Puebla. Tonight we will meet for another delicious dinner and tomorrow we will spend our day exploring Puebla and relaxing.
Hasta luego,
RMI Guides Mark Tucker, Hannah Smith, and Team
Comments (3)
Sorry about that! Good luck dad!
Posted by: Kate on
Sorry about that! Good luck dad!
Posted by: Kate on
Sorry you didn’t Summit - hopefully Orizaba will cooperate. Pam
Posted by: Pam on