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Shishapangma: Team Climbs to Advanced Base Camp on Summit Push

Namaste from Depot Camp (ABC) at 6,000m!!! 2,000 to go... we're on the move! Day 1 of summit push brought us on the late afternoon to a frigid moraine camp which prompted the funny scene of everyone gathering for dinner in down suits over the rocky platforms of our tents... like an army of teletubbies. Much more talented, though, we didn't let the cold get to us and ventured early to the comfort of our tents, knowing that our move to Camp 1 tomorrow will be a bit more demanding than our hike today, basically a strategic move to shorten the distance between Base Camp and Camp 1 (by the way, these guys are ditching 1.20h from what it was taking on our first trip!) Despite having a strong team of Sherpa support, we decided to endure a one night of alpine style camping.... with our bags at Camp 1, we chose to all sleep in our down suits to avoid carrying our base camp bag, and have lighter move. At the moment, we're (at the guides' tent) listening to Liam Knoff's playlist, waiting for the early Tibetan night of the fall, to go into full sleepy time. Stay tuned for our progress uphill tomorrow. RMI Guides Elías, Adam, Robby and the RMI Shishapangma team!!!

Comments (10)

Colin, feel excited for you. Nice photo looks like you guys in Mars or the moon with snow

Posted by: Janet on


Posted by: Carlos de Andres on

Keep Going, there is a Spanish Jam waitting to all of you at the top!!!!

Posted by: Martin de Andres on

Teletubby Galina, how are you? :) 6000 sounds so high! I think it is something unbelievable and I am sure very hard. But you are a tough girl! Believe in you and cheer for you!

Posted by: Zhanar on

Art, So sorry I missed your call. Such a surprise to hear your voice. Betsy and I were at the Cubs game. They won! You’re a winner too. Take care and be strong. Sending hugs and kisses your way!

Posted by: Leslie Muir on

So far so good as you push towards the summit. Let us know when you have to use oxygen and what that is like. The picture is beautiful.  Good luck all! And yes, Art, I am sure you are thrilled about the Cubs.

Posted by: Betty (Art's sister) on

We’re rooting for you all.  Stay nice and warm in your down outfits.

Posted by: Hikari on

Go Dad (Art), Go! We are anxiously awaiting your return! Oh, and I’m sure Charlie would want you to know that the Cubs clinched their 100th win of the season last night…first time since 1935. Love, Alice, Jeff, Jack and Baby.

Posted by: Alice Muir Wiant on

You guys are amazing! Keep up the great work. Love the updates. Look forward to hearing from you on the peak.

Posted by: David Fuller on

Good luck Colin and everyone - we’re following you all the way!

Bruce and family

Posted by: Bruce Gailey on

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