Shishapangma: The Team is Ready to Launch Their Summit Push
Posted by: Elias de Andres Martos, Adam Knoff, Robby Young
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Shishapangma
Elevation: 18,500'
On to the roofs of the world!!!! This morning we set our sights to the summit of Shishapangma. Spent the morning packing bags and double checking our equipment. #allthewayup. After 26 days of preparation, we're ready to launch our summit attempt. Excited to reach new heights and goals. Weather forecast says we're set for the 1st. Ramen will toughen us up! We feel strong with the force, and confident on the climb to come. We thank you all for the blog comments, which strengthen our spirits.
*This blog was written around the breakfast table, one sentence per member. May the force be with us!!!!
The RMI Shishapangma team
Comments (10)
Godspeed Elias and crew, be safe and have an amazing time. SWEET!
Posted by: Ben Pucci on
Totally stoked for the team! Can’t wait to read about your progress! Climb safe and stay strong!
Posted by: Mark Leininger on
We are really excited to see you reading to make the final push! It must be both daunting and exciting to know that what you’ve worked these past weeks to do is finally at hand. As you know it is the effort that is the reward and the summit only the side benefit. We’ll be thinking of you and the team over the next few days and look forward to hearing your advances to the top!
Posted by: Rick Deerwester on
Summit, you can! We’re sending all our “force” your way. Love, Angela and Ian
Posted by: Angela Rennie on
Onward and upward to that summit. Good luck and yes, the Force will be with you!
Posted by: Betty (Art's sister) on
Wishing you all a Successful Summit!!!! So Awesome to read about your progress. All the Best to the Team!!!
Posted by: Dave Kestel on
Cheering the team on!! How exciting and absolutely incredible. Sending everyone good vibes and well wishes. To Wolf- So very proud of you, my superman! You’re amazing! Be safe and remember, one step at a time. I love you!!!
Xoxo Yours,
Posted by: Keyana Kobra on
By the way, my friend from Moscow marathon is currently on Cho Oyu now. At Advanced base camp with 7 summits russian team, also awaiting for a summit night. FINAL PUSH!
So, I cheer for my awesome friends and watch closely. So proud of you. Be safe…!
Posted by: Zhanar on
Good luck to you all of you on your way to the summit. We know the force will be with you. Gambari.
Posted by: Hikari on
Dear Galina,
I hope you are well and having a good time. This is a dream coming true, right? Make the most out of it, while staying safe and healthy.
On Sunday, I will see Maxut. Hopefully by then, I will have great news from you and we can both share your success and joy.
It is something to enjoy and be proud of. Already!
Posted by: Zhanar on