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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Homeward Bound

Busy day. The team had coffee and tea brought around to Kikoti's tent cabins a little before sunrise. Fortified with a great breakfast, we got right back into cruising the rough but beautiful roads of Tarangire National Park. Highlights were the family of head-tossing, trunk-swinging, ear-flapping elephants we encountered. Curiously, they were more animated and energized than any of the many families we saw. And we finished our tour on a highlight too, getting to watch up close as five lions followed an alpha female around as she decided what she might be hungry for. We could see her changing her mind from wildebeest to zebra to Impala to warthog. It all looked yummy to her. We left her and the pride undecided and hungry as we hit the road for Arusha and our return to the Dik Dik Hotel. We got back through Arusha's rush hour and road construction traffic at four. This left time for repacking and freshening up before one final excellent meal in the dining room. Then we said goodbye to the staff who'd taken exceptional care of us, and to our teammate Kathleen. She is staying on a week to do good works up by Lake Victoria. The rest of the gang got on board the bus for a ride out to the airport. We're flying now... Dar Es Salaam.... Amsterdam...and onward. We're all excited to be moving on, of course, but also a little reluctant to let go of this morning's vision of a lion cub telling his mom to hurry up with the food shopping. It has been an incredible few weeks in Africa. Thanks for following. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (3)

Dave, thanks so much for making us all a part of this incredible journey. We’re getting Mary back in the states soon and we’re so excited to hear about her journey, and we are so greatfull to you and the guides for getting her here safe and sound. We also thank you for all the pictures you painted with your eloquent words. I’m sure it’s not easy to hike a mountain “hearding cats” so to speak, with all those people in tow, and still have the energy to sit down at the end of the day and find the amazing words to give those of us at home a chance to live vicariously through our family members. A genuine thanks to you and the RMI staff for hosting this site/blog for all of us back home!!
A pleasant journey home to all of the hikers. our daughter, Mary, I’m sure, will take a piece of all of you with her home in the form of memories that will last a lifetime.

With much appreciation and congratulations to all,
Bill and Kathy Harshbarger

Posted by: Bill and Kathy Harshbarger (Mary's Parents) on

What an absolutely amazing journey for all of you.  Thank you for taking care of each other and much appreciation to Dave for posting wonderfully detailed blogs that allowed the rest of us to cheer and follow from afar.

Jason—we’re so thrilled for you and anxious for your return.  Safe travels.  Love you.

Posted by: Jen (Jason's sister) on

Tho’ “there’s no place like home” (and you’ve not been in Kansas!), we’re sure you’ve continued your quest in discovering that all the world can be “home”.
We look forward to seeing/hearing about your amazing journey.  Welcome back Jason…and again, our congratulations for accomplishing your dream.

Posted by: Kathy and Denny Meyers (Jason's Mom and Dad) on

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