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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Ascend the Barranco Wall

Today wasn't a big day, but it was a scenic one. Sunrise down in the cool Barranco Valley was welcome, for sure. We got a leisurely 9AM start at walking, which allowed a couple hundred porters to get onto the narrow ledges of the Barranco Wall before us, just as we'd hoped. Plenty still needed to pass us as we reached for rock handholds and stemmed from precarious stances, but that all worked out fine. We marveled that the tricky moves we were making could be made easily by men carrying loads balanced on their heads. It took us about an hour and a half to get fully up the wall and all agreed it had been the funnest part of the climb, so far. We had weather nearly identical to yesterday's for the first half of things...blue skies above and sea of clouds below. This allowed for uninterrupted views of Kibo's Southern glaciers and ice fields above us as we traversed eastward. Finally we had the abrupt gorge of the Karanga Valley to drop into and climb steeply out of in order to reach camp. We pulled in a little after 1 PM, in time for a hot and wholesome spaghetti lunch and some quality rest as things clouded up for the afternoon. It seems like time has flown by as we are now talking about being at high camp tomorrow and off on a summit bid quite soon afterward. One step at a time though... First we'll make the most of this final night at the civilized altitude of 13,100 ft. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Comments (3)

Wow! It looks like u guys r almost at the highest point! Keep going friends!!! We love and miss u!

Posted by: Solmaz & Calli on

The wall climb sounds like a blast!  Everyday is a great adventure.  Continue to enjoy each moment.

Posted by: Jen (Jason's sister) on

Applause, applause to all of you as you celebrate another great day!

“In a sense, everything that is, exists to climb.  All evolution is a climbing to a high form.  Climbing for life as it reaches towards a conciousness, towards the spirit.  We have always honored the high places because we sense them to be the homes of Gods.  In the mountains there is the promise of something unexplainable.  A higher place of awareness, a spirit that soars.  So we climb…and in climbing there is more than a metaphor; there is a means of discovery.”. - Rob Parker

We’re surrounding all of you with strength, courage, and peace.

Posted by: Kathy and Denny Meyers (Jason's Mom and Dad) on

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