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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Ascend to the Shira Plateau

We woke to a calm and clear morning down at Machame Camp. The sun hit around 7:30 AM, just in time for breakfast. Before we got on the trail, Freddy -our lead guide, introduced some of the key personnel on his forty five person staff and we had a round of jambos and handshakes. We were walking by 8:20 and sweating by about 8:30 as the initial route involved some serious uphill on big rock steps through the heather. The big hazard in our first few hours was that the views were so spectacular I worried that the team wouldn't watch their steps. There was plenty to look at as giant Mount Meru -the 16,000 ft volcano back next to Arusha, was standing tall above a sea of clouds to our west. That sea of brilliant white clouds extended in every direction, beneath us. We had great views of Kibo, Kilimanjaro's main peak, and the rugged heights of Shira, its western satellite. We got to see our first Lobelias and Scenecios as we reached the upper limits of the heather. By then we were traversing left and negotiating small steep lava walls on our way out to the Shira Plateau. We were in our newest camp by 1PM. This one is quite a change from the last as we are now well out of the forest. Kibo never did cloud up today so we got to look at it all afternoon as we rested at 12,600 ft. We'll head straight toward it tomorrow for a closer look at our ultimate goal. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

Comments (3)

Way to get after it, Team! Onward and Upward!! Thanks for the map too. Gives a great perspective on the days ahead.
Rest well, Stay Strong, Mary #HarshStrong

Posted by: Bill and Kathy Harshbarger (Mary's Parents) on

Sounds like you could clearly see your goal and had beautiful views all day long.  Here’s to a peaceful night and another spectacular day tomorrow.

Posted by: Jen Potter (Jason's Sister) on

Ahhhhh what a magnificent photo!  We’re loving the information that is shared about your day(s).  Keep trekking team and know that there is a huge fan base here is the states cheering you onward!

Posted by: Kathy and Denny Meyers (Jason's Mom and Dad) on

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