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Kilimanjaro: Dave Hahn and Team Arrive in Tanzania

By three this morning, my team of prospective Kili climbers was all present and accounted for on the fringes of Arusha, Tanzania. Eleven of us spent the day getting ready for a week on the move. As is normal with my groups, the team stifled yawns and feigned great interest as I conducted our introductory meeting after a fine Dik Dik Hotel breakfast. They claimed "jet lag" was the culprit rather than my rambling on. Possibly. We're a good ten hours removed from some west coast US homes now. After the briefing, it was time for personal equipment checks and packing for an early departure. This left a good chunk of the afternoon for the gang to relax, to walk the garden-like grounds of the hotel, and to periodically climb the water tower to see if Kilimanjaro was out. She was, by evening... faintly... and floating like a cloud in the distance. As we organized, the local guides and kitchen staff had the much bigger job of packing the food and gear for the trip. It was impressive as always to see lead guide Freddy Kilewo out there making order of the chaos. He has about fifty people to plan for, between porters, camp staff, clients and guides. He makes it all look easy. We'll begin walking the Machame route tomorrow and coming to grips with this challenge that many have been dreaming and scheming about for years. But this evening it is time to enjoy a send-off feast and a last night in a bed... even with jet lag, we all know it is a good deal. Best Regards, Dave Hahn and Team

Comments (12)

To the whole team - Congratulations! 

Brian Palmer - Well done my friend.  We’ll grab lunch when you get back!

Posted by: Jim Vas. on

Amazing!  I’ve been reading each day, and am so proud of my sis and her courage and strength.  There are lots of good wishes and high fives coming from Colorado.  Keep on keepin on-you’re an inspiration.  Ninakupenda xo

Posted by: Susan Finzel-Aldred (Deborah's sister) on

Love you so much Mary!  You are incredible and I hope you and all of your team have a great and safe trip.

Posted by: Shawnee on

Marie & Frank!!!
Warriorrrrrrr!!!! Kick some ass!

Posted by: Solmaz on

Go Mary!!! What an awesome adventure.
Enjoy the experience & treasure the memories.
Prayers for your safety!

Posted by: Barbara Wiggs on

Bonne expédition! Amusez-vous.

Posted by: Louis-Philippe on

So as I sit here at a little after 6am Pacific time here in the cozy confines of California, I assume the team has ventured out and started your accent up that really big hill. Obviously as a parent when your little girl takes on such an incredible journey there’s always that little piece of you that wants to be there too…. Thanks so much for keeping us updated on this incredible ride to the roof of Africa. We all look forward to the stories and and sites and wish you all an incredible but most of all safe journey!!
Go Mary!! Your strength, your grit, and your determination still astound us and make us incredibly proud!!
And thanks to the rest of the team in advance for helping her achieve a trip of a lifetime, that only so few people have had the opportunity to experience!!
God Speed!!

Posted by: Bill Harshbarger on

Best of luck to all of you for a successful climb. I know you are all strong but I will follow you and help lift you up as you chase your dreams. Climb high!

Posted by: Steve Finzel on

So I was told some time ago that ” Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many people you brought with you.”  Each of you are taking someone distant along with you. And each step taken is one shared with another. We follow your journey with pride. Chase your dream, feel your dream, live your dream for it will remain with you forever.

Jason - climb strong brother and live each moment.

Posted by: Tom Herr (Jason's uncle) on

How awesome to see the team (tired that each of you must be)!  Go now, climb that mountain and achieve your dreams.  Know that countless of us are back here in the States walking beside you, lifting you up and whispering in your ear(s) “it is not the mountain you will conquer, but yourselves.  Dig deep and remember that now is the time to be great.”

Posted by: Kathy and Denny Meyers (Jason's Mom and Dad) on

Best wishes for a successful climb!  Ahh, what memories all of you will make!  Envy, envy!

Posted by: Sue Rentschler (Jason's aunt) on

Congrats to the team for meeting the first challenge—getting there with your gear!  Best wishes to Dave and the Team for a successful climb.  May this fantastic dream come true for all of you.

Posted by: Jen Potter (Jason's Sister) on

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