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Peru Seminar: Blais & 100% of Team Summit Pisco Oeste

We are safely back at base camp after our entire team made the summit of our final peak of the trip, Pisco Oeste. Pisco was the third summit of the trip and the team is feeling accomplished with everyone making summits on Ishinca and Urus as well. It was a great effort for the team and the camaraderie put forth to make it a successful trip for everyone was incredible. While we're all smiles now, this morning was a different story. We woke to thick clouds and light snow falling on our 16,000' high camp. We shrugged it off and began our breakfast routine. By the time we were packed and ready to climb the snow had abated and the clouds showed signs if parting. An hour into the climb and we were staring at beautiful stars and moonlit mountain faces. For a couple hours we had nothing but blue skies. Then as we neared the top, winds picked up and clouds began to build on the summit. We climbed on bundled up in puffy jackets. On top we were in and out of clouds, the weather parting for summit photos and glimpses of the famous peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, Alpamayo and Artesonraju. It was an absolutely phenomenal climb and the way down was fast and smooth. We're grateful for the help of our local guide William, our porters and our astonishing cook Helario, who makes masterpieces out of anything. It's been a great ride and I can't wait for my next opportunity to come back to the 'Blanca! Cheers! RMI Guide Zeb Blais

Comments (3)

Well Done to the entire team!

Posted by: Richard Bergey/Bonnie Bergey on

So glad the clouds parted for the team, blessed!  The food sounds fantastic, lucky you are working off the calories.  Safe journey back home, can’t wait to hear the stories.

Posted by: Debbie Z on

Way to go Steve!

Posted by: Kathy Odom on

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