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Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Finish Up Their Climb and Safari

Woke up to a coffee on my porch while watching the bush begin its day. Many a crunch, crack, and snap during the night, below, above, and around our stilted tent platforms. Cloudy and cool as we drove through the park on or way back to the Dik Dik. New contender for shot of the trip, Morgan and her leopard is in the running. Guess a cheetah would have been a shoe-in for a race but we are leaving that shot for next time. Some lions, elephants and a thousand other creatures, we share this amazing world with, bid us farewell during or drive out of the park. The rest of the climbing/safari team is either in the air or going through customs as I write this. My flight is tomorrow. Here taking care of details to set up RMI's next team for yet another safe and successful expedition here in amazing Africa. Thank you back home for allowing these adventurers a hall pass for a visit to this exotic land. It's been a real pleasure spending time with them all. Sharing some insight to our travels in script has been a pleasure, hope they were well received. Get out there when you can. Take care, Safe travels, Safari on! RMI Guide Mark Tucker

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