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Kilimanjaro: Tucker & Team Explore the Ngorongoro Crater

From huge elephants to tiny chameleons, the Ngorongoro Crater was a game viewers paradise. We kept to the timeline and made our way to the crater nice and early. So did a bunch of other folk, it was all good, spending time at the visitors center enjoying exhibits and baboons around the truck made waiting for the permitting process to enter the park easy. Happy to do anything to help keep this amazing place well managed. We descended a couple thousand feet into the crater to brisk but clear weather. Herds of zebra, gazelle, wildebeest, cape buffalo, to name a few, were in all directions. Some big game spotting of lions, huge elephants and a couple of rhinos made great additions to our camera rolls. Another delicious lunch in the bush by the hippo pool rounded out the day nicely. We are now back at the Plantation Lodge being pampered one last night. We move on to our final park tomorrow. Bye for now, RMI Guide Mark Tucker

Comments (1)

It all sounds amazing and thrilling.  I can’t wait to see all the pictures.

Odette, Taylor’s mom

Posted by: Odette Hankins on

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