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Mt. Elbrus: Seth Waterfall & Team Spend Their Day Touring Moscow

Hello from Moscow! It's about seven o'clock in the evening here and we are all about to meet up for dinner. We have had a great day seeing the sights in the city. We met our city tour guide, Svetlana, this morning and she took us out to the Kremlin and Red Square. She indulged all of our questions about life and politics in Russia now versus back in the Communist period. It was all fascinating stuff. After the tour we had lunch in an authentic Georgian restaurant. Tomorrow we are shifting gears with an early morning flight. We'll fly about 900 miles south to the Caucasus Mountains. We will have Mt. Elbrus in sight and begin our acclimatization process. I'll check in again when we reach our destination. RMI Guide Seth Waterfall

Comments (2)

Hey, Slackers:
  Looking good in Red Square!
  Just want to urge you guys to keep your eyes on the prize, and not to worry about the post-Brexit market swoon. I saw Jill and Jennifer at Pinhan last night. They had managed to get Alison and Danielle on a conference Skype, and after their third round of G&Ts; the four of them opened a margin account on E-trade, and in honor of your Russian expedition they were buying random puts and calls on the MICEX and RTS exchanges. When I left the cafe after dark,  they we’re making spirited plays on some investment app called “Catch a Falling Knife.”
  So relax, and enjoy your ascent! We’ll keep the home fires burning till your return.

Posted by: Josh Horwitz on

Dear Team, as a life long friend and admirer of Gordy’s, I wanted to prepare you for the pronounced behavioral tendencies that would manifest themselves as the air thinned, thighs burned, packs grew heavier, and menu choices shrank. You see, there are quite a few elements to Gordy that are not easily communicated on an outward bound application. I am also assuming the files from his extended stay at Sunnyside Mental Wellness have not been provided following the leather party he had with the 7 nurses (mostly female). This may be a long note so I hope you are not charged for roaming data while in Russia.  Gordy’s issues principally arise from his love of and respect for all mankind. Firstly, this may not be easily evident to you until that repelling safety rope is tied on as I suspect Gordy will then insist on showing off his extensive knowledge of ropes and knots. He may claim this is rooted in his time as a small stock boy out in Omaha department store warehouse. However, at Sunnyside it was diagnosed that this passion arose from his time as a stock boy and salesman at the Carlton Shops in Philadelphia. Secondly, his respect for mankind will surely be “presented” in the hotel tonight and tents thereafter as he goes NRA topless in order to show off his “guns and pecs”. Gordy is a complicated fellow so I beg of you to be caring and supportive and to bring him home safe as he is a gem that none of his friends would want any other way. Sincerely, Ron (also on behalf of Nadav, Scot, Schless, Dave and Will)

Posted by: Ron Bobman on

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