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Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Wrap Up Their Expedition

June 18, 2016 - 7:18 pm PT It was anyone's guess how today would turn out based on the snow piling up on our tents this morning. We dragged our feet a little before downing a cup of coffee and packing up our camp. We pushed down the glacier in a near whiteout, unsure if any planes would venture into the Alaska Range today. After a great trip the team was ready to head home, but we had to still wait and see what Denali had in store for us. As we descended, the visibility improved and it began to look like some fancy flying might just get us to a shower after all. The weather continued to cooperate and it wasn't long before the awesome pilots at K2 had us back in the land of green forests, running water and options for food. And like that we left the Range after a few great weeks with our teammates. It was an exceptional adventure, made great by the team who shared the effort to make it happen. Thanks to all involved for making it happen and we will all be home soon! RMI Guide Jake Beren

Comments (1)

Thanks to the great guides who did such a wonderful job getting this team up to the summit and safely back down again.  Your knowledge of the mountain, the weather patterns, and your decisions about when to advance or when to stay put make all the difference.  Thanks a million to all of you.  You’re the best!!!

Posted by: Bud on

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