Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Rest and Train at 14,000’ Camp
Posted by: Jake Beren, Katrina Bloemsma, JM Gorum
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
June 11, 2016 - 11:11 pm PT
Today was a delight. We slept in a little, enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and hit up some training. The fixed lines loom a thousand feet above us and we prepared ourselves for them with a simulation above camp. We duplicated the transitions with ascenders until the team became certified ascender ninjas. We are ready to tackle them, I only hope they are ready for us.
After our training we rested for a bit and then fortified camp. The team busted out walls and worked very well together on the parapets and ramparts that will secure our castle while we are crusading higher. Should the weather hold we will try to establish a cache for the upper upper mountain. We'll let you know how it all goes tomorrow. Sleep well friends.
RMI Guide Jake Beren
Comments (4)
Great progress and teamwork! We’re praying for you all!
Jay, Isabelle ran her first 5 miler and did well. She’s looking for her next race. She leaves for bethel today. Love you!
Make it a great day!
Posted by: Isty on
Well said Jodi!!!! Good job team - hopefully you are all helping and supporting each other! Climbing is of course a group effort and it takes everybody to get everybody to the top safely - make sure to help each other along the way!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jesse Godzala on
Reading these updates is as close as I’ll get to keeping track of a sports team-it’s so exciting! Hoping for good weather, go Jason and team!
Posted by: The Hoppes on
Wishing you the best if weather and strength! The strength that only you will be able to obtain while working as a team! Be strong for each other and you will succeed! Praying for all of you! Best wishes!
Posted by: Jodi Corrow on