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Denali Expedition: Jones & Team - Rest Days are the Best Days

June 4, 2016 - 5:02 pm PT After yesterday's mission caching our summit kits at the top of the fixed lines, the crew is ready for a rest day. We went to bed last night to clear skies and low valley clouds rolling around Foraker and awoke to more perfect views above. Many of the slopes around camp are accruing ski tracks, and providing great entertainment! Today's breakfast was high class gourmet, with salmon and cream cheese bagels and a side of cheesy bacon hash browns. The fresh food has spirits high as we hope for the great weather to continue. Until then we'll continue to chill and watch skiers enjoy the fresh snow. RMI Guide Tyler Jones

On The Map

Comments (4)

You guys are moving impressively fast.  Keep listening to Tyler (especially about putting on your puffy pants before coming into the cook tent) and he will get you to the top! 

- Devin Smith (Tyler Jones Denali University, class of ‘15)

Posted by: Devin Smith on

Cream Cheese,

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

When’s your next coffee break? While you are resting, I am staying very productive, and going to church. Watching skiers sounds fun; typical powder hounds.

Remember, if we can do it, so can you! What I’m saying is, I’ll give you the money to keep going. It seems like they’re feeding you well, but if you’re still hungry when you get back, we can go to Arby’s.

— Boo

Posted by: Mrs. Oxygen on

Hello from Talkeetna! i had several experiences on the way down that showed you really do live up to your OSIT name! on the way down the wildlife was amazing. if you guys get stuck at 14 and are bored give me a call. (Bob has my info) also I do believe that you guys may be eating better than any other team on the mountain.


Posted by: Luke on

Your breakfast sounds like the perfect weekend brunch! And the picture of your camp looks incredible—what a view! Truly it looks other-worldly… I hope are well rested and have good weather for the days ahead!

Ongun I miss you so much! sending you all my love and support and counting down the days till I get to see you! Stay safe and warm! mwah!


Posted by: karina on

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