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Denali Expedition: Beren & Team Fly On the Mountain

June 4, 2016 - 4:47 pm PT What a big 24 hours it has been! As yesterday dragged on in the hangar with an ominous dark cloud over the Range, the team seemed pretty resigned to spend another night in Talkeetna. Suddenly the feeling around the airstrip changed as rumors of a slight clearing at basecamp filtered to town. "15% chance, but never hurts to load up the plane," a pilot friend said. That 15% chance kept improving to the point where our air service, K2, felt confident enough to send a scouting plane toward Base Camp. We launched our two Otters on the heels of the scout and navigated storm cells and clouds into the mighty Alaska Range. It was completely amazing. Both planes landed and we hustled out to make room for teams waiting to get off the mountain. The weather had let us in, but the pilots didn't want to push their luck. It was some real impressive flying that put us finally on the mountain after so much preparation. Way to be K2! Having landed on the glacier, we finalized our rigging and set off to begin the climb. Our late in the day flight put us in an excellent position for lighting out. It was a beautiful evening with some swirling clouds and pleasant walking. Our journey took us up to the base of Ski Hill, where we built camp after a long day. It just began to snow as we put the finishing touches on camp and we slept the sleep of the just. The adventure continues and it feels great to be in the mountains! RMI Guide Jake Beren

On The Map

Comments (1)

Great news!!!!! Exciting to have begun the journey!!! Can’t wait to hear more about it!

What’s happening at home? Paul & Jason ran their first mountain race! Jason, 1:02 and Paul, 1:14. Daddy’s best race was 1:05! Jason can’t wait to rub it in! Isabelle came in 4th in her new age range. Coulda been 2nd or 3rd but belle didn’t know how long a 6K was so she took it slow.

Have fun and be safe! Love you, Honey!      Mamma

Posted by: Isty on

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