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Denali Expedition: Okita & Team Rest and Introduce the Team

May 31, 2016 - 10:03 pm PT Finally, a day of rest. Smoked salmon, toasted bagels and cream cheese served at the civilized hour of 10:00 set the tone for the day. Our communal get together then lasted to noon. What we all talk of who knows, but obviously we enjoy each others company. Speaking of which, I thought I might share a small glimpse of who this team is that you're following. I'll start with the lady from NYC. A social live wire who keeps things fun in the Posh and can climb with the best. Of the three doctors in the group, the one from the east coast is not the talkative center of the group, but is so fun to get to know and importantly, never complains, even of our cooking. The other doc is our elder statesman, older than even me! (OK, by just a year) But with this wisdom comes a love and appreciation of everything and everyone around him. The third doc is a stud! But his strength is so overshadowed by his generosity and true commitment to the welfare of the group. We even have two paramedics on board. The first calls Boston home, where he only works four jobs to support his climbing habit. His good heartlessness is reflected in the smile he wears no matter how difficult the going is. The other medic defines strength. Even after breaking his leg in January, he gets the hard man award. Combined with just being a really nice guy, we're lucky to have him on the team. Another incredible member was an air force meteorologist who became a physical therapist. Her strength and will power is obvious any time you pick up her pack. Plus she can run a five minute mile. Amazing person! Another teammate was here two years ago where weather conspired to thwart his summit bid, but has come back determined and firing on all cylinders. Always good natured, especially when there's rice one the menu, he is a pleasure to climb with. Of the guides, our first year assistant is proving his mettal and performing really well in the harsh environment of the Alaska range. Interestingly, all the of us are ski patrollers in the winter. My first assistant is all one could ask for in a guide up here. Strong, fun, hard working and smart. And a bright spot in the Posh House. Then there's me, trying to manage as best as I can and get this old body up the hill one more time. So that's it, the team in a nutshell. I trust you'll recognize your friends, family, loved ones. It's a special group and I'm excited to be climbing with them. RMI Guide Brent Okita

On The Map

Comments (8)

That Air Force Girl is Tough!! I know you already know that. Keep climbing Strong Dawn!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

We are all watching your progress, great job, great team. FYI Dr P. It is going to be 110 to 113 here in the desert this weekend….

Posted by: Saguaro Surgical on

Wow, Brent definitely got you in a nut shell Mike!! I guess when you compliment my cooking I shouldn’t be too flattered:)  Thinking of you every minute, hoping you are safe and sound.  The garden awaits you on your return. 

Love you always,

Alexis and company

Posted by: Alexis Pappas on

Lisa (NYC gal!)
Summiting Denali will be added as a chapter to that marvelous book you’re writing called MY LIFE.

“One does not climb to attain enlightenment, rather one climbs because he is enlightened.” 
— Zen Master Futomaki

xoxox Pamela (NYC)

Posted by: Pamela on

Happy 25th Anniversary!!!!
Missing you and can’t wait for your safe return
I love you mahal

Posted by: Celia Probstfeld on

Sounds like you guys have a great team. Lets hope the weather cooperates for all!

Posted by: Darcy Murnaghan on

Enjoy your rest day, Michael!! And good luck with the steep upcoming climbs.  Praying for good weather and a safe return!  The pictures and updates are great! Love, Christine, Mike and Olivia

Posted by: The Huber Family on

We love you Uncle Brent!  Come home safely…....

Posted by: The Parella Family on

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