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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Carry to 16,000’

May 25, 2016 - 1:04 am PT For the first time in several days, the skies were clear above and below us this morning. With those clear skies came COLD temps. We let the sun warm the tents and us, and then set our sights on the fixed lines for a light carry of personal gear. The sun kept it warm while we moved, but the temps stayed cold and we kept the breaks short as they quickly turned chilly. Our group moved really well, and with no other traffic around, we were quickly at the top of the lines, sitting on the West Buttress proper. Our later departure, and light but cold winds convinced us to cache our loads there, and head back down. As has been the recent pattern, as we descended the winds above built, and soon evidence of strong winds was showing on the summit, and moving down to the Buttress as well. We were happy to be back in camp relaxing. The next weather system is forecasted to come in tonight and tomorrow, so we'll enjoy the comfort of our tents. At this point, we are watching for our window and are perfectly set up to go for the summit when the opportunity presents. That might mean a touch more waiting, but we are ok with that. Best from 14, RMI Guides Pete, Robby, Jess, and team

On The Map

Comments (6)

Well team u “got this” the summit is so close, man that slope looks like 38-40 degrees angle glad to hear the weather is on ur side rest up for the finally “Ooh Rah” say hello to our friend L R climb on and be safe. Best XO The Bolomey’s

Posted by: Joe&Patty; on

Impressive feat to summit West Buttress during a break in the weather. Patrice tells me that Thursday through Sunday will bring favorable weather; so, maybe you’ll make good progress toward your goal of summiting. I am hoping and praying that you are successful because it’s occurred to me that another climb up Denali might be in your future if you don’t succeed this time. I couldn’t take the anxiety again.

Upwards and onwards!

Posted by: leanne on

Pete and Robby—I’ve been following you guys and your team and I wish you all the best of luck the rest of the way. I wish I was back with you again this year!

To your team—best of luck, the best part of the climb is next!

Posted by: Brian Palmer on

Tack käre Thomas! Puss puss puss, Lyckokramar från Sinikka & Lucas.
Good luck to everyone, be safe and warm!!

Posted by: Sinikka on

That is fantastic news and I am so happy to see the weather patterns improving through the weekend! Patience is a virtue and we all are hoping and praying the timing is right for you guys. Justin, everyone keeps asking me to pass on their kind messages to you, but that would take me all day! So just know that pretty much everyone you know is thinking of you and sending good vibes your way. Love you! Stay strong (and warm)! You got this!

Posted by: Patrice La Vigne on

Yeah!  Almost there!  May you all summit, be safe and return proud!!

Posted by: Connie Selgrath on

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