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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Take Rest Day at 14,000’

May 21, 2016 - 1:18 am PT For most of today it huffed and puffed and the snow fell heavily. We haven't been able to see much, and the wind has been gusting pretty strongly. We made the easy choice to take today as a rest day and fortify our camp, which proved to be the right decision as the gusts grew stronger as the day went on. Instead, we ate a great brunch of smoked salmon and bagels, then set to work reinforcing our compounds with big walls (some wondered how much of a rest day it was carrying a couple hundred 20 pound blocks of snow). With our camp solid, we retired to the tents for naps and rest, before a delicious dinner of Mac and cheese with bacon. It's still snowing hard, though the winds are starting to calm. We're expecting to still wake up to some snow, but hopefully the winds abate, the visibility improves, and we take a quick walk back to retrieve our cache. If not, we still have plenty of delicious food up here and we'll continue to acclimate and get strong in the thinner air of 14. Best RMI Guides Pete, Robby, Jess, and our stellar team of high altitude athletes

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Comments (4)

Geez, you all seem to be eating well!  Scott I hope you’re getting some good many ideas for our next climb—no more of those just-add-water instant dinner thingies!  ;-)

Be safe y’all, and enjoy the journey.

Posted by: Chris Beaudette on

Mac and cheese Justin??? I feel bad for your tent mates!!!!!!! Hopefully the storm will relent soon enough. This past week, we finally had a nice stretch of sunny weather here in Colorado and I am missing you on my hikes. I almost stepped on a rattlesnake and realized I really need to review my WFR notes ...

Posted by: Patrice La Vigne on

Dear Uncle Justin,

This is Everett. I am sitting on Nini’s lap reading the RMI blog. I saw all the pictures of Denali –  the red airplane, the crevasse, the blocks of snow to make a wall around your tent, the blue sky and so much snow.

I hope you make it to the top of the mountain soon. Please take a picture of yourself on top of the mountain so I can bring it to school and show everyone.

I miss you very much. I hope you have a nice trip.



Posted by: leanne on

Go Lisa!! The crew at The Downs is rooting for you!!

Posted by: Janet on

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