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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Take a Snow Day

May 17, 2016 - 6:02 p.m. PDT We declared a snow day today. We woke to what could be described as a heavy fall of snow, and our hopes of heading uphill diminished. An hour later as we ate breakfast, the sky cleared, the sun came out, and our hopes rose. Just as quickly, the clouds, snow, and blustery gusts returned, and convinced us that today was a day to remain indoors. And so we have, napping, snacking, reading, and watching movies. The weather hasn't relented either, reinforcing our decision. The low pressure that seems to be moving over us is hinting at moving out over the next few days, so we hope that tomorrow gives us a better opportunity to head up to Windy Corner and cache. In the meantime, we'll take the opportunity to rest up and get ready for another round of big days. All for now from snowy 11 Camp. Thanks for following! RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Robby Young, and Jess Matthes, and team

On The Map

Comments (4)

Hipp hipp hurra, ha den äran idag käre Thomas!! Happy Birthday!!
Grattis från hela familjen här hemma.
Äppelträden blommar, smÃ¥ vackra blommor kommer upp i gräsmattan…sommaren är pÃ¥ väg efter nÃ¥gra svalare dagar.
Önskar Dig en fin dag och fortsatt upplevelserik expedition! Mycket mod, kraft och kärlek, älskar Dig.

Posted by: Sinikka on

It has been a miserable few days in the east, Weather 46-54 and drizzle, You guys surrounded by visual splendor are in the right zip code. Saying some prayers to pull your nasty weather away! Go git’em, when it’s right! Happy Trails Lisa! - Greg

Posted by: Greg Hurley on

Go team Van Deventer hope u all got ur well deserved rest for ur next push to cache weather permitting Hey Lisa how u doing up there looks challenging but we’re sure your doing well, the church is moving along the guys r finishing up the rebar for the walls mason here tomorrow to set forms hopefully pouring concrete Mon/Tue next week, thought u might like to hear how it’s going back home

Posted by: Joe&Patty; on

Good call guides! Seems like the weather only worsened. I’m just wondering how many games of Hearts Justin played then????? Hope the weather clears for y’all tomorrow and you can move some supplies up the mountain.

Posted by: Patrice La Vigne on

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