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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer and Team Retrieve Cache

May 16, 2016 - 11:45 p.m. PDT We woke this morning from a deep, deep night of sleep to sunny skies and a thin coat of snow over everything that sparkled brilliantly white. It was a gorgeous morning that energized everyone as they glanced up at Denali, down the Kahiltna, and across at Foraker. We had a leisurely breakfast of hash browns and eggs, listening to teams pack and walk out for carries to Windy Corner or moves to 14. We eventually made our own move, returning to our cache of food and fuel at 10, and hauling it back up the hill to camp. We reviewed some climbing techniques that we'll need above here, then crawled into the tents as the clouds crept up glacier to rest and relax. Tomorrow we hope to make our own carry up to Windy Corner if conditions allow. Until then, we'll eat more food, tell some tall tales, and catch several more hours of deep, deep sleep. Best from 11, RMI Guides Pete, Jess, Robby, and Team

Comments (4)

I love it when you talk about holing up to sleep and eat. It means your out of danger’s way. Windy Corner sounds uninviting. Wish there was a way around it. A mother is a mother, no matter the age of the child.

Be safe!!!!

Posted by: leanne fosbre on

We’ll keep sending those good weather vibes your way, especially for Windy Corner!!! Keep up the great work everyone!

Posted by: Patrice La Vigne on

Sounds and looks amazing, Lisa! We are cheering you on from NYC at Robin Hood!

Posted by: Megan Smith on

Remember those stories so you can share them back home. Doesn’t sound like snooze med’s were necessary. Go team!!

Posted by: Rod Dubois on

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