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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Solveig & Team Summit El Pico de Orizaba

Hello Everyone! We are all back in Tlachichuca after a beautiful summit day on Orizaba. We awoke at midnight and were out the door by just after 1. The team did an excellent job of preparing and getting out of camp on time! With all he new snow in the area lately, we were able to put crampons on just above the Piedra Grande Hut which made the walking conditions a bit more efficient! We reached the summit at just after 9 am and enjoyed clear skies, calm winds, and relatively warm weather, considering it was one of the coldest climbs I've had down here. We enjoyed nearly an hour of time on the summit and then carefully began our descent to camp. The upper mountain was a bit icy and we exercised careful footwork and precision focus on our walk down the steep and smooth slopes of the Jamapa to the glacial moraine at 16,000'. Back in town, we were all excited for the delicious dinner the Reyes family provides, and quickly got our equipment packed and ready in order to fully enjoy our meal at this quaint and historic soap factory. Today was the final day of our expedition, and we are all looking forward to heading home to family and friends! Thanks for following along! RMI Guides Solveig Waterfall Billy Haas, and the team Audio transcription from Orizaba summit Hi everyone! This is Solveig calling in from the top of Orizaba. The team and I are up here. It's a beautiful day- light winds and clear skies. Was a beautiful night as we climbed under a full moon. The team is doing well. We're going to take a few more minutes and enjoy yourselves and then start our descent. We will check in from Tlachichuca. Cheers.

RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall calls from the Orizaba summit!

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