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Kilimanjaro: Waterfall & Team Reach the Summit of Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak

8:04 pm Pacific Time Hey, this is a Seth checking in from Uhuru Peak, the top of Kilimanjaro and the highest point in Africa. Everybody made it to the today, we had a really nice climb, good weather, warm weather I should say, there were some clouds. Everybody hung in and did awesome and everybody did make it all the way to Uhuru Peak, the tippy top. A few parties of started to head down and I'm just up here with the last folks. We're about ready to head on down to our High Camp and then we are going to pack things up and head down at 10,000 feet where plants actually grow right out of the ground, I've heard. And spend one more night on the mountain and then we will be out tomorrow. I'm going to check in when we get down to 10,000, report in and hopefully all will be well, I'm sure it will be. This is Seth checking out. RMI Guide Seth Waterfall

RMI Guide Seth Waterfall calls from Uhuru Peak, the summit of Kilimanjaro.

On The Map

Comments (16)

Congratulations Annie. I knew you could do it! I know how hard you worked for this. I am so happy for you. You are amazing! Now you can really enjoy the rest of your time! I can’t wait to hear all about it and see some pictures too.!

Posted by: Becky Hamilton on

Woot! Woot!  Way to go Annie! What an amazing accomplishment! I am looking forward to the stories. Love you!

Posted by: Lisa on

Congratulations to all and especially to Mike R. !  We are anxious to hear about your adventure first hand.  Love you.  Dad and Cheryl

Posted by: Ken and Cheryl Riley on

Congrats Annie!

Posted by: Fatima W on

OMG Bobby, congrats.  Surely a view permanently ingrained.  I wish I was there.  Be proud of your accomplishment!!!

Posted by: Lesle Belling on

Incredible group, congratulations to all and to my son Bobby I know can do anything you set your mind to.  You are all in an elite group of sports enthusiast!!! I know you are all smiling and probably hate to come down off of the mountain, you may hear her call to you to return again someday….Joanne xoxoxo

Posted by: JoAnne Hemphill on

Congrats to everyone!! Bobby I am so happy for you!! I can only imagine what an amazing experience and journey this has been and anxious to hear all about it!! Love, Jessica.

Posted by: Jessica on

Congratulations to all of you, especially to Derek and Karen who made it to the summit together.  We can’t wait to hear your stories and see your pictures.  We love you so much and are so proud of you.  Rest well!! XO

Posted by: Delta and Peter Fuller on

Mom we are so proud of you and your team! You inspired me everyday!! Can’t wait to hear stories and see more pictures! LOVE YOU! Anna

Posted by: Anna on

Way to go, Mike Riley! We are proud of you and your team! You’re not in Kansas anymore! Hugs and love from Kansas!

Posted by: Jen and Patrick Alderdice on

Congratulations on reaching the summit Eileen!! We hope that you are enjoying your trip of a lifetime!!


A.J. & Steph

Posted by: A.J. Mikloiche on

Yay Mom! I love you beyond measure! You rock!!

Posted by: Camille on

Congratulations to all. So very happy you all made it to the top. KK - I told you you would make it. Safe travels down.

Posted by: Steve Robinson on

WELL DONE team!!!!  So happy for you all.

Posted by: Holly on

Woo! Hoo!  Congratulations to all of you!  Way to go!  Mike/Dad, we can’t wait to hear all about your adventure!  Love and miss you!  Your Girls

Posted by: Courtney, Ashlyn & Reagan Riley on


Posted by: Kim Fuller on

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