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Aconcagua: Justman & Team at Base Camp

Hello folks, Team 3 is resting and doing well back at base camp on Aconcagua. There are a lot of teams that have retreated from the upper mountain and have departed base camp. Last night Pepper and one of our team members, Brian, played guitar and sang for the entire base camp and yes, they received a standing ovation. As for our team, we are not quite ready to throw in the towel but I have to be honest, the weather and the forecast is looking horrible with extremely high winds continuing for several days. We will keep you posted to our progress. As for now, the team is really happy not having to hold tents up from the inside and actually enjoying visiting the bathrooms. RMI Guides JJ Justman and Pepper Dee

Comments (10)

Bonjour Éric,

Un petit message qui j’espère t’arrivera où que tu sois. Je suis sûr que tu réussis à atteindre tes objectifs. Et pour une fois, oublie ce vieux dicton qui dit : “Quand tu as atteint le sommet de la montagne, continue de grimper”.  On pense à toi, on t’aime et n’hésite pas si tu as le moindre problème pour redescendre à m’appeler : je ferai le max !  À tantôt,  Phil

Posted by: Phil on

Hey Brad! We sure hope the weather turns enough for you to summit. We can’t wait to hear all about your trip and hope it will include a summit. If not, it sure will be great memories for yall, just stay safe.  As big as that mountain is, just know that you are loved even more, way more!! We think about you every day. We love and miss you! Love Mimi and Dad XO

Posted by: Mimi Rearden on

Brian and Brad - If it can be done…y’all will do it. Miss you bad, bro!

Posted by: Johnny on

Packers win 35-18!!
Be safe. We are on our way home. Warm hugs and kisses…go Pack go!!

Posted by: The Ludwig Ladies on

Townsend: Hi Daddy!
TJ: Be safe!
Mom and Dad: Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Rick and Judy: Go Green Bay!

We are all so proud of you, Terry. All my love, Amanda

Posted by: The Robertsons on

Message pour Eric….
Bien reçu ton message, je m’occupe de tout.
J’attends ton appel !!!
Désolée pour vous tous ....

Murielle xxx

Posted by: Murielle on

So glad to get an update from y’all. I know if there’s any way possible, y’all will summit. Keep up the good spirits! Looking forward to hearing all about this trip :-)

Posted by: Susie on

Brian, Brad and team, sorry to hear the news on the weather, but it is good to hear everyone is in good spirits.  I have it on good authority that Brian got a standing ovation and won a dance contest with Becky, and Brad plays the guitar like Jimi Hendrix.  Mom checked the weather forecast, and wind speed is reaching hurricane levels at times, but if you get a window, go for it.  We’re excited to hear about your adventures, when you return.  Mom and Dad

Posted by: Sharon and Ben on

Hi Brian and Brad. We have been so excited for ya’ll and can’t wait to hear all about it. Be careful and tell all the survivors we said hi. We continue praying for ya’ll and we love ya’ll.

Posted by: Dennis on

Hi Nikki. It was nice seeing your post on Facebook! What a shame about the weather but very relieved that the decision to return was made! I’m sure that although cut short, this will be an experience to treasure and especially the friends which I’m sure you’ve made! Enjoy the remainder of the expedition and keep safe! Love Mum and all the family! X

Posted by: Jane Marzan on

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